Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My (Crazy) Upstairs Neighbors

My (Crazy) Upstairs Neighbors

Monday, August 22, 2011

Trash Talking Garbage

The Meth addict came walking up with a glint in her eye. She looked, well, vacant, and her toothless grin was a dead give away. She wanted something from me. Money?, check out the property?, I wasn't sure until she spoke.

" Fuckin' A...." She said. Her shriveled up mouth showered me with a view of gaping pink gums. I had never felt so repulsed by any one woman. She appeared to smile, but it was more of a sunken in grimace, and I took a step back from her. She carried a strange stench on her. It was a sour sweet smell of long ago showering, and her breath held the hint of a recent cigarette. I took another step away.

" Hey!, You live here, Bitch? "  She said, her hand waved about like a nervous little bird. Again, that horrible imitation of a smile assaulted me in its insincerity. In meeting someone for the first time, I was appalled at her crass manner. Looking at the ground, I shook my head, yes. This was a very uncomfortable moment for me, but I pulled the courage to look her in the eye.

" What do you want? " I asked. " Are you looking for someone in particular? "

" Not bein' rude or nothin', Lady, but can I have a couple of bucks..IF you have any to spare " She blurted out.

I wasn't at all surprised by this moment.

" Go away " I spoke through gritted teeth. It was all I said, but she got it right away. Not blinking, and certainly not showing any emotion, she started to turn away.

" Fuck You!... " She mumbled. Reaching into her shirt pocket and pulling out a crumpled cigarette, she lit it as she walked away.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Satisfying, Harmless Revenge on Your Neighbor with Liquid ASS

Satisfying, Harmless Revenge on Your Neighbor with Liquid ASS

Crazy Neighbor Problems With Big Trucks..

Somebody is gonna get killed one of these days. There are renters around the corner, and they all own huge trucks. I don't know why they have to speed when they hit the straightway, but no one has complained. The Sheriff hasn't been contacted, and no one seems to care this is a tragedy in the making.

We have little kids on bikes, and soccer mom's in mini vans. There are teens walking to school (starting next week) and elderly residents walking their dogs. These guys go from 0 to 50, with the push of a pedal. What are your experiences with dealing with this?. Would love to hear what you think, and prefer it BEFORE someone gets run over and killed.. THX!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Evil neighbor..

Ever had a neighbor who knows they are doing the wrong thing, and run away when they see you?. Yeah..I know how you feel. We have a crazy lady who is always measuring her yard, singing and yelling out loud (to herself) and has a decent sized yard. It's messy, barbed wire all around it, and chickens and roosters. She isn't ..normal in the head. I think she is warped. She gives me filthy, hateful stares. I am not afraid of her, but she knows I'm watching. I don't trust her..

Every Authority level has been to her house, EXCEPT Dept. Of Mental Health..That one is a future phone call. NEVER give up or give in when things aren't right in your neighborhood. Be aware of what is going on.You could be living next to someone who is abducting little kids, or murdering people and burying em' in the back yard. I believe in people, but there are limits..Sometimes, you just have to get involved. No matter how many feathers you ruffle..If it's the right thing to do..GET INVOLVED...